to the Borgerkrigen.info `s pages for Scandinavians
who fought for the Confederate States during the
War Between the States. The subject has been a forgotten
part of the history of the War.
Little have been known about many of the units
they fought and who they were. These pages will
try to enlighten some of the Scandinavians "in
rebel ranks" that did fight for their new
homeland. Since the war ended, almost everything
related in the Scandinavian community has envolved
around their participation on the Union side,
and that`s natural, since 97% of the soldiers
did fight on this side of the conflict.
We`ll take a closer look on the last 3% of
these brave men on "the other side".
About the contents
The website, as of date, have most information
about Norwegian soldiers, but we do incorporate
any Scandinavian soldier that did Confederate
Service. We are very happy to introduce an article
about Finnish Civil War participation ( both Confederate
and Union ). This is also an untold story in the
WBTS - saga. Information on Danish Confederate
soldiers are in the making, and are ready to be
viewed now to some extent. Swedish soldiers are
under investigation, but will take longer time
to be presented. This is due to the person that
sits on most information about them are aiming
his work toward a book in the future, and will
not present his material on the Net before this
is published.
What we present on our pages are an
annotated roster of the soldiers. The
version you are to explore; are version 1, and
the site will envolve with further research as
time goes by. Do drop in from time to time to
take look at the evolution of information. If
you have any information of a soldier we`ve not
recorded; do drop us a line by mail.
How many was there ?
The amount of participation of Scandinavians on
Confedrate side was not in the thousands, but
rather in the hundreds. But, they represent a
side of the Confederacy that has not been told
allot of,and that is the Confederate forces did
have it`s fair share of foreigners in their ranks.
Time to honor..
An impression of Southern general view goes to
that Federal forces was "an army of foreigners
and immigrants". That is to some extent true,
but the view lefts out; too often, that there
was a large number of "foreigners and immigrants"
fighting in grey too. Their participation and
"fighting spirit" have been toned down
in Confederate WBTS-history. The truth is that
in units with mostly "foreigners and immigrants"
was amoung the hardest fighting. A good example
of that are the 10th Louisiana - "Lee`s Foreign
Legion". A regiment with over 22 different
nations represented. Around the campfire you would
hear soldiers speaking Russian, Polish, Spanish,
French, Swedish, Norwegian, Italian, German etc.
They did fight hard, and was in front on many
occasions. So was others at fronts and battles
around America during those faithful years...
Scandinavian soldiers did share all the aspects
of a WBTS-soldier: - you`ll find him in prison-camps
for a long period, in hospitals, in massgraves
on different battlefields, some even on "french-leave"
for a period, others deserted both ways and several
spoken of in greate honor. This site will present
them all... .
Why do you bother ?..
The facination and interest of the WBTS drove
us to present our fellow countrymen and bloodbrothers
in CSA. Largely due to that we here and there
came by statements from Scandinavian federal soldiers
that they were in contact with fellow countrymen
in grey, and books that have stated that there
was Scandinavian soldiers in grey. We asked ourself:
"Why haven`t we heard about them ? Who were
they ?". We did understand that it was time
to try to find " The Forgotten Boys of The
"I am wondering.."
You may wonder why we present all the Scandinavians
together, since we are all independent nations
? The main reason is that they in most cases did
fight together in same regiment or company. Secondly,
Scandinavians in America, both South and North,
did settle themselves in the same geographical
area. The third reason is that the names of the
soldiers are difficult to judge in some cases
that they either was Danish, Swedish or Norwegian.This
is because of the bad recordkeeping they kept
in the South during the War. A search after immigrants/foreigners
in the South are as "looking for a needle
in the heystack". This is due to they didn`t
in most cases write down place of birth or nationality
in the soldiers military records.
Main aim..
The information presented have been collected thru many
years, months, weeks, days and hours to get hold of
by many different people. For our part, it has been
a patient task to obtain all the data, and find bits
and pices here and there. But,we do hope everyone enjoy
our discoverys, because our main aim are to honor those
who fought, and that people that are interested in Scandinavian
participation during the War Between The States do have
a source for information to turn to. A new leaf in Confederate
history are about to be turned. Enjoy !