It`s quite logical to look for Scandinavians in both
Confederate and Union Navys because of our heritage
as Vikings - " The Barbarians on the Sea ".
All of our nations have long traditions on the water,
and are regarded as able seamen. The work to find Scandinavians
in the Confedrate Navy are and was difficult because
of the state the archives. As far as we know, the records
are to be found in 22 different places around the US,
and are not yet centralized. One other main obstacle
are the nature of recruiting of crews in the war, that
on many occations was done all over the world, and when
Confederate ships captured merchant vessels . Many men
from those ships did for some period of time serve as
Confederate Seamen.
We have to especially thank one of the few notables
on Navy matters during the WBTS ,Terry Foenander, to
identify many of those who are presented here. You can
find his website here.
Type of ship: CRUISER
Commissioned 24 August 1862, Praia da Vitoria, Terceira, Azores.
Sunk off Cherbourg, France, 19 June 1864.
Charles OLSEN
- Ordinary Seaman / Able Seaman
B: In Norway
- Ordinary Seaman / Able Seaman
B: In Sweden
Ordinary Seaman / Able Seaman
B: In Finland
("Jack-o-lantern") - Ordinary
Seaman / Able Seaman
B: In Finland
Shipped from prize 25 March 63 (from "Nora" or "Charles
Hill", sailing from Liverpool). Rated Able Seaman 1 Nov
Killed in action off Cherbourg, France,
19 Jun 64.
There are several other Scandinavian names found on the rolls
of the Alabama, a.o. Henry Angell
and William Nordstrom.
( Of their names, they are probably Swedes)
Type of ship: GUNBOAT
Commissioned 9 July 61, Norfolk,
In service with the North Carolina Squadron (Albemarle Sound)
until February 62, thereafter James River Squadron.
Scuttled 3th Apr 65.
Crew composed almost exclusively of Englishmen and Scandinavians
(mostly Danes and Swedes), recruited from 5 prizes taken by
the CSS Winslow July-Aug 61. Scandinavian names on the muster
roll include Frank Anderson,
August Eliason, Abraham
Lawson, John M. Kedslie,
and A. E. Albertson.
[Ella Lonn, Foreigners in the Confederacy, p. 285-86]
Type of ship: CRUISER
Commissioned 17 Aug 62, Nassau, New
Providence Island, Bahamas.
Captured Bahia (San Salvador), Brazil 7 Oct 1864.
Samuel MARTIN -
Ordinary Seaman
B: Simen Martin Torbjørnsen 1840, Kragerø,
Norway. A sailor since the age of 12, he was at Nassau, Bahamas,
in 1862, and joined the crew of the CSS Florida there (between
April and August 1862, when the ship was detained at Nassau).
After the war he settled in Racine, Wisconsin.
D: July 1915, Racine, Wis. [Racine Journal 1921]
Charles Peter Johnson
- First class fireman
B: In Sweden.
(Florida Medical Journal, see the list of personnel in the
Engineer's Department, CSS Florida, dated at St. George's,
Bermuda, June 27, 1864.) D: ?
Other Scandinavian names on the roll:
George Hanson - Quarter Gunner, and one P.
Hanson .
Type of ship : IRONCLAD
Commissioned Aug 63, Mobile, Ala.
In service with the Mobile Squadron.
Scuttled 12 Apr 65.
Scandinavian names on the muster roll include
C. Hanson and Charles
Type of ship: GUNBOAT
Commissioned Nov 61, New Orleans, La. In service with the Mississippi
River Squadron.
Destroyed to avoid capture 26 Jun 62, Yazoo River, Miss.
August HEYER - Seaman
B: ca. 1826 in Norway. Listed as a patient on board navy hospital
ship St. Philip in New Orleans from 25 Jan - 11 Feb 62.
Type of ship: GUNBOAT
Commissioned March (?) 62, Mobile,
Alabama. In service with the Mobile Squadron.
Surrendered 10 May 65, Tombigbee River, Ala.
Letter from Lt. Charles Graves, CSS Morgan, to cousin, dated
Mobile, Ala. 2 Mar 62: "..We have
Irish, Dutch, Norwegians, Danes, French, Spanish, Italian,
Mexican, Indian, and Mutezos - a set of desperate cut throats.."
[Quoted in William N. Still, Iron Afloat: Buchanan and the
Mobile Squadron, p. 99]
Scandinavian names on the muster roll include
Anton Paulsen and Andrew
A similiar description of the crew of the CSS Selma,
also part of the Mobile Squadron, was given by one of her
(see below).
Type of ship: GUNBOAT
Commissioned July 61, Mobile, Alabama,
as the CSS Florida.
Renamed CSS Selma in July 62. In service with the Mobile Squadron.
Captured during the Battle of Mobile Bay 5 Aug 64.
One Scandinavian name on the muster roll is
Fitz I. Christinson.
Type of ship: IRONCLAD
Commissioned in June 1863 at Savannah,
The ship was destroyed by burning in December 1864 .
- Ordinary seaman
B: In Denmark.
Servicerecords shows that he deserted to the enemy while on
picket on the night of November 8, 1863 at Savannah, Georgia.
Read the story
Type of ship: STEAM
Commissioned 19 October 1864, Madeira
The last Confederate ship to surrender
Jacob Hanson
- Quartermaster
B: In Denmark.
[Alabama Claims, 1, 975.]
Type of ship : IRONCLAD
Commissioned 16 Feb 64, Mobile, Alabama. In service with the Mobile
Captured during the Battle of Mobile Bay 5 Aug 64.
Charles BROWN
- Landsman / 2nd Master
B: ca. 1827 in Norway. Description: Grey eyes, dark hair, fair
Captured during the Battle of Mobile bay 5 Aug 64, and forwarded
to Ship's Island, Miss., as a POW.
Charles CLARK
- Seaman / L.C.
B: ca. 1835 in Norway. Description: Grey eyes, dark grey hair,
fair complexion.
Captured during the Battle of Mobile bay 5 Aug 64, and forwarded
to Ship's Island, Miss., as a POW.
[Descriptive list of crew, dated February 1864]
Other Scandinavian names on the roll: Andrew
Rossmorsson .
Type of ship : IRONCLAD
Commissioned 17 Feb 62, Norfolk,
Virginia. In service with the James River Squadron.
Destroyed to avoid capture 10 May 62.
- Gunner's Mate
Transferred from Co E, 41st Virginia Infantry Regiment
16 Jan 62.
Other Scandinavian names on the rolls of the Virginia are
Andrew G. Peterson, Aug.
W. Lemblom, John Nelson,
Jacob Ollson, and
Reinbeam W. Nelson.
Type of ship : IRONCLAD
Commissioned 1863, Richmond, Virginia.
In service with the James River Squadron.
Destroyed to avoid capture 3rd April 65.
- Quartermaster