VIRGINIA Cavalry Battalion
(White's Battalion, The Comanches)
Formed 4 Feb 63 from 6 independent Virginia Cavalry Companies.
Disbanded Apr 65.
Co F formerly Capt G. H. Farneyhough's Ind. Cav. Co., organized
30 June 62
(1845/5) Oscar REIERSON
- Private
B: Oscar Reiersen 29 Oct 1836, Copenhagen, Denmark (Norwegian
father, grew up in Norway). Came to Texas with his family in
1845, later moved to Charlottesville, Virginia, to study law.
The roster in the regimental history (35th Virginia Cavalry
Battalion, by John Divine) shows that he enlisted in 1861, however,
Farneyhough's company was allegedly organized 30 Jun 62. Anyway,
his military service was over before March 1863, as evidenced
by a letter from Col. William H. Young (9th Tex Inf) which contains
this sentence: "...Your military career Reierson was short,
spirited and racy and I am sorry that your experience has left
so much of bitterness..." (letter from Col. W.H.Young to
Oscar Reierson, dated Shelbyville, Tenn., 17 Mar 63). D: 10
May 1913, Louisville, Kentucky.