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35th VIRGINIA Cavalry Battalion
(White's Battalion, The Comanches)

Formed 4 Feb 63 from 6 independent Virginia Cavalry Companies. Disbanded Apr 65.

Co F formerly Capt G. H. Farneyhough's Ind. Cav. Co., organized 30 June 62

(1845/5) Oscar REIERSON - Private

B: Oscar Reiersen 29 Oct 1836, Copenhagen, Denmark (Norwegian father, grew up in Norway). Came to Texas with his family in 1845, later moved to Charlottesville, Virginia, to study law. The roster in the regimental history (35th Virginia Cavalry Battalion, by John Divine) shows that he enlisted in 1861, however, Farneyhough's company was allegedly organized 30 Jun 62. Anyway, his military service was over before March 1863, as evidenced by a letter from Col. William H. Young (9th Tex Inf) which contains this sentence: "...Your military career Reierson was short, spirited and racy and I am sorry that your experience has left so much of bitterness..." (letter from Col. W.H.Young to Oscar Reierson, dated Shelbyville, Tenn., 17 Mar 63). D: 10 May 1913, Louisville, Kentucky.

41st VIRGINIA Infantry Regiment

Mustered in July 61. Surrendered 9 Apr 65.

(1st) Co E

Private William E JOHNSON

B: 1829 in Norway. Enlisted at Norfolk, Va., 19 Apr 61 for 12 months. Description: 5' 8"tall, blue eyes, sandy hair, by occupation a mariner. Summer 61 joined the crew of a privateer fitting out at Norfolk. 3 Sep 61 returned to 41st Va. by order of Maj Gen Huger. 16 Jan 62 detailed to the crew of CSS Virginia (Merrimac) and discharged from 41st Virginia.

46th VIRGINIA Infantry Regiment

Mustered in July 61. Surrendered 9 Apr 65.

Co A

Private James POULSON

B: presumed Norwegian, but can also be Danish. Servicerecords not obtained yet.

FORSBERG, Augustus L. - Colonel
51st Virginia Infantry Regiment - CSA

The Colonel was Swedish by birth.
Read more about him thru his memoires here
Read more about his brigade here

59th VIRGINIA Volunteers Regiment

Mustered in Aug 1861.

Commanding Batt. B,C and D, Artillery, Wises Legion

Colonel Charles Frederick Henningsen

B: 21st Feb.1815, England. Swedish parents. (Can also be of Danish parents).
( He did write his name in the Census of 1860 and 1870 as Henningson )
Servicerecords not available, but obtained information by battlereports and obituaries certify his service.
He was reveiled when the Conscripts Act was enforced in Nov.1862. Saw action in West-Virginia,North-Carolina and the Peninsula. Did also frequently have the command of the defenses of Richmond. His wife did run the Henningsen Hospital in Richmond during the war, and she also played a role in the making of the first famous battleflags for the Confederacy.
D: 14th July 1877, Washington D.C. Buried at Congressional Cementary,Range 81 Site 55.

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