letters he wrote to his son.
The first, the 22nd of Dec 1862, and the second,
20th Sept 1863. All from Prarieville,Texas.
William Hugh Young (1838-1901)
of 9th Texas Infantry Regiment to Reierson from
Shelbyville, Tennessee, March 17th, 1863.
All three letters are to be found here:

letters written by Norwegians in the South during the war have
been preserved, fifteen of which are soldiers' letters. Except
nos. 1, 2 and 7, all were originally written in the Norwegian
language, and all save four were addressed to Carl Questad, Clifton,
Bosque County, Texas.
The original letters, with the exception of nos. 1, 2 and 7,
are now in the possession of the Norwegian-American Historical
Association (NAHA), St Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota.
They have been published in English translation in Norwegian-American
Studies vol. 25 (1972), p. 113-141, as well as in Norwegian
in Syversen/Johnson, Norge i Texas, p. 187-197 (see bibliography).
The two Reierson letters (nos. 2 + 7) are found in the Reierson
Family Papers, Eugene C.Barker Texas History Center, University
of Texas at Austin. No. 7 has been published in
European Telegraph, June 1995, p. 9-12, the
Journal of Europe Camp # 1612, Sons of Confederate Veterans.
Letter no. 1, written by Charles M. Ohlson of the 4th Arkansas,
appeared in the Washington (Ark.) Telegraph
on March 19, 1862. It has since been reprinted in the
Journal of the Hempstead County Historical Society, Spring
1987, p. 8.
1. Charles M Ohlson |
4th Ark Inf |
Boston Mts,Ark |
3 Mar 62 1) |
2. James S Jenson |
Frontier Tex |
Cav Camp Salmon, Tex |
13 Dec 62 |
3. John R Reierson |
------------ |
Prairieville, Tex |
22 Dec 62 2) |
4. David Lund |
15th Tex Inf |
Camp Kiamichi, Choctaw N |
19 Mar 63 3) |
5. David Lund |
15th Tex Inf |
n. Alexandria, La |
28 May 63 |
6. David Lund |
15th Tex Inf |
n. Washington, La |
19 Jun 63 |
7. Lars Olson |
31st Tex Cav |
Marksville, La |
26 Jun 63 |
8. John R Reierson |
------------ |
Prairieville, Tex |
20 Sep 63 2) |
9. Elias R Skimland |
Frontier Tex Cav |
n. Columbus, Tex |
15 Jul 64 |
10. Lars Olson |
31st Tex Cav |
Sicily Island, La |
20 Aug 64 |
11. Lars Olson |
31st Tex Cav |
Camden, Ark |
16 Oct 64 |
12. Helge J Grann |
2nd Tex Cav |
Eagle Pass, Tex |
17 Oct 64 |
13. Lars Olson |
31st Tex Cav |
Minden, La |
18 Dec 64 |
14. Lars Olson |
31st Tex Cav |
Minden, La |
23 Dec 64 |
15. Elias R Skimland |
Frontier Tex Cav |
n. La Grange, Tex |
30 Dec 64 |
16. Mrs Elise Warenskjold |
------------ |
Van Zandt, Tex |
19 Mar 65 |
17. J M C Warenskjold |
-------------* |
* Four Mile Prairie, Tex |
25 Mar 65 |
18. Lars Olson |
31st Tex Cav |
n. Houston, Tex |
23 Apr 65 3) |
19. Lars Olson |
31st Tex Cav |
Sandy Point, Tex |
2 May 65 |
20. Carl Questad |
-------------- |
Clifton, Tex |
19 May 65 4) |
* previously of the 11th Texas Infantry and the 1st Cavalry
Regiment, Texas State Troops.
1) to J. R. Eakin (editor of Washington Telegraph)
2) to Oscar Reierson, Esq., Charlottesville, Virginia
3) to Ole Ween, Clifton P.O., Bosque County, Texas
4) to Lars Olson, Co B, 31st Regiment, 2d Infantry Brigade,
Maxey's Division, via Houston.
In addition, there exists a letter to Oscar Reierson from Col.
William H. Young, 9th Texas Infantry, dated Shelbyville, Tennessee,
17 March 63 (also part of the Reierson Family Papers, Barker
Texas History Center, University of Texas at Austin) Link
to the letter.