1st Louisiana Special Battalion (Rightor's)
Mustered in 4 Jun 61, Camp Moore, La. Surrendered 9
Apr 65.
Co B
B: ? in Norway.( Kettleson, O) En. April 15, 1861, New Orleans,
La. Roll to May 31, 1861, Absent with leave.
Rolls from June 30, 1861, to Aug. 9, 1861, Present.
LOUISIANA Infantry Regiment
Mustered in 4 Jun 61, Camp Moore, La. Surrendered 9
Apr 65.
Co C (Bienville Guards)
Private Peter William
B: ? in Norway. Enlisted in New Orleans 25 Feb 62. Captured
at Bottom's Bridge, Va., 24 May 62. Imprisoned at Fortress Monroe,
Va., then Fort Columbus, New York harbor. Exchanged 5 Aug 62
at Aiken's Landing, Va. Deserted Sept or Oct 62. Description:
5' 6" tall, blue eyes, light hair, fair complexion.
Co G
1st LT WANG, Fredrick
B: ? in Norway. En. New Orleans, La., May 20, 1861, or Camp
Moore, June 4, 1861. Present on Rolls to Dec., 1861. Elected
1st Lt. Nov. 28, 1861. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862, Absent on recruiting
service at New Orleans. Left Feb. 4, 1862. Roll July and
Aug., 1862, Present or absent not stated. Roll Sept. and Oct.,
1862, Resigned Oct. 16, 1862.
AQM WANG, George W.
B: ? in Norway. A. Q. M. Regt. Q. M., Field and Staff. Rolls
from July, 1862, to Dec., 1863, Present. Appointed A. Q. M.,
June 12, 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent on leave of
absence. Roll March and April, 1864, Present.
Both of these men are beleived being Norwegians, and it`s certain
that they are Scandinavians.
George Wang did service in the "Scandinavian Guards of
New Orleans" - Co A, Chalmette Regiment.
LOUISIANA Infantry Regiment
Mustered in 4 Jun 61, Camp Moore, La. Surrendered 9
Apr 65.
Co I (Irish Brigade, Co A)
Private Edward GUNDERSON
B: Edvard Gundersen Østmo ca. 1838 in Solør,
Norway. Enlisted in New Orleans 21 Mar 62. Captured at Fredericksburg,
Va., 3 May 63. Imprisoned at Old Capitol Prison, Washington,
D.C., transferred to Fort Delaware, Del., 7 May 63. Exchanged
23 May 63 at City Point, Va. Captured again 5 May 64 at Mine
Run, Va. Sent to Point Lookout, Maryland, 18 May 64, from Belle
Plains, Va. Forwarded to Elmira, New York, 17 Aug 64. Released
on oath of allegiance 19 Jun 65. Description: 5' 9" tall,
by occupation a laborer, resident of Chicago, Illinois. Lived
in Kensett, Iowa, after the war.
D: ? (alive 1913)
Private John MODIEN
B: In Norway, Christiania ( Oslo ). Age: 29 . Resident of New
Enlisted in New Orleans 21st March 1862.
Killed in Action 9th June 1862 in the
Battle of Port Republic.
Co H ( Orleans Rifles )
Private John LAGGERTON
B: In Sweden. Resident of New Orleans.
Enlisted 4th Jun 61 at Camp Moore.
Killed in Action 1st July 1862 in the
Battle of Malvern Hill.
LOUISIANA Infantry Regiment
Mustered in Jun 61, Camp Moore, La. Surrendered 9 Apr
Co D
Private/Sgt. Oscar
B: Sweden. (Other name abbr: Ekelund, Oscar W. / Ekland, O.
W.) Res. New Orleans, La.. Occupation: saddler, age
when enlisted 28, single. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La.
Present on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1861,Absent
at Richmond in Hospl. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent,
sick, in Lynchburg. Roll for March and April, 1863, Present.
Went to Richmond on the 1st. Roll for May and June, 1863, Discharged
sometime in May, 1863. Rejoined the Co. and discharged again
in 1864.
Co E
Private August
B: In Sweden. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on
all Rolls to Feb., 1862.
Occupation: tailor. Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted
30, single. Died Sept.1862.
Infantry Regiment
Mustered in 15 Jun 61, Camp Moore, La. Surrendered
9 Apr 65.
Co B (Bienville Rifles) (Orleans)
Private Samuel De WOLF
B: In Sweden. Enlisted at Camp Moore 23 June 1861. Discharged
10 Dec 61.
Private Herman GROVERMANT
B: In Sweden. Enlisted at Camp Moore 23 June 1861. Discharged
Private Charles A.
B: In Sweden. Enlisted at Camp Moore 23 June 1861. POW 2 Jun
62, Took Oath 10 Aug 62
Private David SCHMIDT
B: In Denmark. Enlisted at Camp Moore 17 Mar 1862. POW 31 May
62. Took Oath.
Private Gaspard SCHREEFLE
B: In Denmark. Enlisted at Camp Moore 11 Mar 1862. POW at Bristoe
62. Took Oath.
Private Frank NELSON
B: ca. 1833 in Norway. Enlisted at Camp Moore, La., 23 Jun 61.
Present and accounted for through Aug 62. Killed in action at
the battle of Sharpsburg, Md., 17 Sep 62. Description: By occupation
a seaman, resident of New Orleans, single.
Co D (Sumter Guards) (Orleans)
Private John BROWN
B: In Denmark. Enlisted at Camp Moore 23 June 1861. Taken as
POW. Took Oath Aug 62.
B: In Norway. Enlisted at Camp Moore, La., 19 (?) Jul 61.
Killed in action at Port Republic, VA,
9th Jun 1862.
Private David NORMAN
B: In Sweden. Enlisted at Camp Moore 19 June 1861. Discharged
Private Thomas THORDALSEN
B: ca. 1816 in Norway. Enlisted at Camp Moore, La., 19 Jul
61. Absent sick in General Hospital, Centreville (?), Va., 4
Oct 61 - ? Discharged for disability at Louisiana Hospital,
Richmond, Va., 5 Nov 1861 (Surgeon's Certificate). Description:
By occupation a sailor, resident of New Orleans, single.
Co E - (Franklin Sharpshooters) (Franklin)
Private Peter PETERSON
B: In Denmark. Enlisted at Winnsborough 20 May 1862. Taken as
POW at Strausburg 26 June 62. Took Oath 10 Aug 62.
Co F - (Opelousas Guards) (St. Landry)
Private Barton M. MULBACH
B: In Denmark. En. June 23, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on
all Rolls to Aug., 1862. Roll Sept. and
Oct., 1862, Detached as Div. teamster on or about Aug. 10 last.
Rolls Nov., 1862, to Dec., 1863, Present. Rolls to Aug. 31,
1864, dated _, 1864, Discharged from C. S. Army, Sept. 11, 1864.
Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La.,by the War
Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903, born Denmark, occupation
laborer, Res.Washington, age when enlisted 32, single. Remarks:
As good and brave a soldier as any native. Discharged as a foreigner,
Sept. 10, 1864.
· 12 Scandinavians in 8th Louisiana (5 Danes, 4 Swedes, 3 Norwegians).
Surpassed only by Frontier Texas Cavalry (14 Norwegians) and
11th Texas Infantry (12 Norwegians).
· 2 discharged in Nov-Dec 1861 (1 Swede + 1 Norwegian).
· 2 killed in action (Norwegians).
· 2 served throughout the war (Swedes).
· 5 were captured during the summer of 1862 and deserted in
August. (4 Danes and 1 Swede). They were imprisoned at Ft. Delaware
and declared exchanged 5 Aug. This suggests that they jointly
agreed to take the oath instead and stay north instead of being
sent back to the war.
9th LOUISIANA Infantry Regiment
Mustered in 6 Jul 61, Camp Moore, La. Surrendered 9
Apr 65.
Co A (Moore Fencibles)
Private Ole THURSTON
B: ca. 1835 in Norway. Enlisted at Camp Moore, La., 7 Jul 61.
Absent on detail at Winchester, Va., May - Jun 62. On list (not
dated) of Confederate POWs paroled at Winchester, Va., ? Jun
62. Deserted ab. Mar 63. Appears on list (dated 28 Mar 63) of
prisoners at Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D.C., deserters
from the Rebel army. Sent to Philadelphia, Pa., and there released
upon taking the oath of allegiance. Description: 5' 9"
tall, by occupation a shoemaker.
B: ? Norway/Sweden. Gunderson. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of
War show him Captured at
Fredericksburg, Va., May 3, 1863. Forwd. to Fort Delaware, Del.,
May 7, 1863, from Old Capitol
Prison, Washington, D. C. for exchange.
10th LOUISIANA Infantry Regiment
Mustered in 22 Jul 61, Camp Moore, La. (augmented from
2d Louisiana Special Battalion). Surrendered 9 Apr 65.
Co A (Shepherd Guards)
Private Carl LEWIS
B: ca. 1833 in Norway. Enlisted at Camp Moore, La., 22 Jul
61. Deserted near Spotsylvania Courthouse, Va., on the march
north to Gettysburg in June 63 - he stated that he was tired
of the war and wanted to go north. However, it appears that
he returned to the regiment, for in 1864 he is on record as
being detailed to the Divisional Pioneer Corps and finally paroled
at Greensboro, N.C., 4 May 65. Description: by occupation a
laborer, a resident of New Orleans, single. D: ?
Co H (Orleans Blues)
B: ca. 1810 in Norway. Enlisted at Camp Moore, La., 22 Jul
61. A 50-year old sailor residing in New Orleans. In early 1864
he was on detached duty as nurse in the military hospital at
Gordonsville, Va. His final disposition is unknown.
14th LOUISIANA Infantry Regiment
Mustered in Jun 61,Camp Pulaski, La. Surrendered 9 Apr 65.
Co A
Private John WOOD
B: Sweden. En. New Orleans, La., June 6, 1861. Occupation:
sailor. Res. New Orleans, age when enlisted 40, single.
Roll dated June 30,1861 . Rolls from Aug., 1861, to April, 1862,
Present. Roll dated July 25, 1862, Absent, wounded; in enemy's
hands. On List not dated of sick and wounded prisoners captured
by the Army of the Potomac at the Battle
of Williamsburg, Va., in May, 1862, and sent to Fort
Monroe, Va. On Report of Deaths, not dated, Killed May 5,
1862, at Williamsburg.
Co C
Private John JOICE
B: In Norway. En. June 6, 1861, New Orleans, La. Occupation:
sailor. Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 27, single.
Present on Roll for July and Aug., 1861. Roll for Nov. and Dec.,
1861, Absent on extra duty in Yorktown.
Wounded, in Hospl. Roll for July and Aug., 1862. Absent on furlough.
Rolls from Sept., 1862, to April, 1863,
Absent in Hospl. at Lynchburg. Roll for May and June, 1863.
Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured at Gettysburg,
July 10, 1863, or Williamsport, July 12, 1863. Deserted to the
enemy after hearing of the fall of Vicksburg. One of the bravest
men in the Company. Sent from Harrisburg, Pa., to Philadelphia.
Pa., July 22, 1863. Paroled at Fort Delaware, Del., July 30,
1863. On Rolls of Prisoners of War desirous of entering the
service of the U. S., Aug. 30, 1863.
Complexion fair, hair light, eyes blue, height 5 ft. 9 in.
Remarks: Sent to Navy Yard at Philadelphia, returned March,1864.
20th LOUISIANA Infantry Regiment
Mustered in 61, Camp Lewis, La. Surrendered in May 65.
Co D
Captain L.
C. Buncken
B: In Copenhagen, Denmark. Enlisted at Camp Lewis, La., 21st
Dec 61. Resident: New Orleans
Rolls to Oct. 31st, 1862, Present. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862,
Resigned Dec., 1862.
Lived in 1865 in H. Hatamoros, Mexico.
D: ?